Lois Reynolds Mead

Art and a pink monkeyflower in a native plant garden…


Typography as art…

On the bottom floor of the Palace of Fine Arts Legion of Honor, next to the cafe, is a small gallery/room that contains some treasures. Each visit I make I am sure to pop in to see what is on display. Something always catches my imagination and blows my creative juices into the air. Last Thursday’s visit did not disappoint because the small gallery of Illustrated Books was focusing on “Inspired Alphabets”.

I walked into the room and was caught by the word circus…then lithography…if you have read this blog for a while you will recognize some of my favorite themes…


Then there was this fabulous collage book with collaged lettering…

More lithography…

And who knew Claes Oldenburg envisioned buildings and cities made from letters…

There is much to be said for the small book that can be held in one hand…with the power of the fold…

The letters themselves creating abstract art…and the overprint…

The Dada Movement…

Lifted by my interaction with the typography, I got home to a new visual journal I had under construction and had found the way I wanted to create the title page…


Onward and upward…my souvenir of the day was an idea…